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Gurdwara Ishar Parkash (Ratwara Sahib)
Vishav Gurmat Roohani Mission Charitable Trust was set up by His Holiness Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji and is dedicated to the mission of spreading the message of the universal spiritual philosophy globally through discourses. The first three words, Vishav Gurmat and Roohani indicate deep meaning in the context of Gurmat philosophy and are related to the teachings of principles laid down by the Guru recorded in the Guru Granth Sahib. Throughout his life, Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji travelled extensively throughout India, USA , Canada and UK to spread the pure message of the Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji (the Sikh Holy scripture) on the global stage..
Sant Baba Harpal Singh Ji
Pictures of Sant Baba Harpal Singh Ji - Click here
Sant Baba Harpal Singh Ji is the Head Sewadar under the auspicious blessings of Shri Maan Sant Mata Ranjit Kaur Ji Chairperson of Ratwara Sahib. The Ratawar Sahib complex includes the C.B.S.E., P.S.E.B, Schools and the B.Ed College which is affiliated to Punjabi University Patiala. The Trust in the past has also been involved in relief activities during times of natural calamities such as the Gujarat Earthquake and the Tsunami disaster.
Sant Mata Ranjit Kaur Ji
The Media department are currently engaged in transferring many discourses of Shri Maan Sant Waryam Singh Ji's from VHS and Audio Cassette recordings to DVD,VCD and MP3 quality. Work is currently under progress to provide internet services for the Indian and International sangat for Akand Path bookings, obtaining Baba Ji's written literature Books and Monthly Magazine. The Trust believes that internet is the way forward in the future for the worldwide distribution of Babaji's discourses.